Our offer

For people who are looking for successful trading strategies based upon Trading Behavior Management, we offer the following:

  • Spreadsheet with our Bayesian network model for day trading. 2 out of 3 trades are winners, and wins are twice as big as losses. On average we make 7.3 points on the ES when we win and we lose 3.2 points if we lose. (Besides this offer you also need a broker account with at least 1000 euro.)
  • Spreadsheet with our Bayesian network model for a buy & hold strategy making use of puts & calls. The spreadsheet determines whether a stock is worth trading and when to sell puts and when to sell covered calls. This strategy made 29% profit in 12 months. (Besides this offer you also need a broker account with at least 7500 euro and be able to trade options.) 
  • All the Zoom meetings it takes to help you understand how to day trade and/or how to use puts & calls for an alternative buy & hold strategy. This includes how to use the above spreadsheets. Depending on your level of expertise, it may take between 5 and 10 sessions.
  • One year subscription to our trading Discord server.

The fee is 1500 euro (ex. VAT if applicable). The fee is non-refundable as you get a software delivery.

When you want to be part of our trading group, fill in the form below. When you do, we will send you an invoice and once the invoice has been paid, we will send you all the software and plan the Zoom meetings.

To be clear: past results do not guarantee future results and we provide you with the tools to make up your own mind and run your mind as well as possible. This is an educational offer.

Who we are

We are a group of traders gathered by Dutch philosopher Joost van der Leij. Joost is a Bayesian philosopher who has built Bayesian network models for personality testing, football players and trading.

Trading Behavior Management is an initiative of Subjective Bayesian Consultancy BV, Binderij 7-L, 1185 ZH Amstelveen, the Netherlands.